Reunion with Reality
My hope is that together we can change the trajectory of human experience. Modern humanity has progressed in some ways from its roots in prehistory, but in many ways it has lost touch with basic reality. We have improved our way of life in some respects and gained a scientific understanding of material processes, but at the same time, we have lost connection with our mother planet, with the divine and with each other.
What is the Message of J Robert Oppenheimer?
A modest proposal to build down our nuclear defenses and reallocate the savings to mitigate climate change.
Reunion Blog
I offer these links to the work of those who strive to create The New Story.
These pages contain essays that I hope with contribute to the evolution of humanity from an old story of separation and materials consumption to a new story of unity and simplicity. Included are a set of essays on Headwaters Philanthropy, a inquiry into the nature of so-called philanthropy as it could ideally be.
Bennett Flat, Truckee, California -
Angkor Wat, Cambodia -
Kerala, India -
Balinese Offerings -
Bhutanese Stupas -
Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County, California
All the photos in the gallery above and most of the others have been taken by me. I have seen much of the world, and am enthralled by its mysteries. It is our collective responsibility to do our best to preserve it, which means that most of us must change the way we look at it, think about it and act in it.
God Shock and Simple Reunion
I must simplify!
The lifestyles of the West and the wealthy are not sustainable. The planet cannot support the lifestyles of those of us who overconsume. And if those millions who currently live in poverty, who can be called under-consumers, join the ranks of overconsumers, our habitat on earth would collapse.
Yet we deny the eradication of poverty worldwide at our own moral peril.
Metta Center for Nonviolence
Nonviolence is the key to New Story
New Story is key to Nonviolence

The Great Turning Initiative
Born of the New Story work at the Findhorn Ecovillage, including the 2014 New Story Summit and the Living the New Story Series of webinars, The Great Turning Initiative promises to continue the journey of exploration, experimentation and experience into the New Story of humanity unfolding in the current era.